Richmond Show 2008 Critique
A fantastic entry for my first CC appointment, I feel very honoured to have received such support. Thank you. Also thank you to my two stewards and Richmond committee for inviting me to judge at this very well run show. I was looking for soundness and movement and was delighted to find this, without exception, in all my winners. I had some difficult choices and in some classes some excellent hounds had to go without cards. However there were a lot of exhibits lacking in muscle with no second thigh, this is essential in a running/hunting hound. There was more with no forechest, which the breed standard calls for, fronts and feet in general need attention. I found a couple of level bites. Overall most coats were good. Light eyes seem to have gone, for now and pigmentation was also good. Without exception temperaments were excellent.
PD. (5). 1. Rhodes and Spencer’s, Gentom Renown. Good type 9 and a half months old and maturing nicely. Fabulous head and soft expression, ears well set on but needing some attention. Strong neck. Excellent front, prominent forechest. Good length of muzzle. Moved so soundly for a large youngster. Well knuckled feet. Very promising. One to watch. 2. Shannon’s, Erewhon Dambuster. Slightly smaller hound at 10 and a half months and not helping his handler when standing, but moved out well. Excellent shoulder and good depth in chest. Well muscled, not quite the rear angles of winner. Feet need to tighten. 3. Cheshire’s, Kilbourne Nuin of Deeranwith.
JD. (2). 1. Taylor’s, Kilbourne James Dene. Stood alone but nonetheless a very young hound. Good head with neat ears. Prominent nape. Good shoulder and ribbing. Chest needs to drop. Excellent length in loin. Very well muscled. Excellent feet, tight and well knuckled. Promising. Will be interesting to see him develop. Well handled.
YD. (3). 1. Peach’s, Kilbourne Fire Chief. Quality eye catching 21 months old who is yet to fully mature. Shown in tip top condition. Masculine head, hazel eye with a soft expression set with prominent nape on strong neck with lots of reach. Superbly bodied and balanced. Excellent front construction with deep brisket. Good topline and fall away. Wide quarters with width of second thigh enabling him to really stride out and cover a lot of ground. Movement true from all directions. Showed with animation, so promising. RCC. 2. Stuart and Holt’s, Tomegem Montrachet at Ollandsheart. Different type to winner. Soft expression. A little narrow in skull. Good length and fallaway. Needs to tighten in front and can firm in topline. Good muscle tone. Needs time to mature. He has time on his side. 3. Meakes and Morris’s, Claonaiglen Gelly at Cadmore.
PGD. (11). 1. Piggott’s, Greyzicon Blythe Spirit. Stood out in this class, were was a real mixture of types. Exquisite, masculine head with aqualine nose and dark eye, neat ears well set on. Broad skull. Strong neck with excellent layback of shoulder and good forechest. Deep brisket. Best front in the class. Good bone. Topline well maintained. Broad well muscled thigh. Very sound on the move and balanced. Felt good to go over. 2. Trotman and Dockree’s, Regalflight Prince Quillo of Penherald. Have watched this dog from the ringside and felt he has been rather hard done to, so was interested to go over him and I wasn’t disappointed. One of a few sound dogs in this class. He has a nice head and gentle expression, good ears. Strong neck. Well ribbed with good length in loin. Tends to flatten a little in topline. Broad quarters and length from hip to hock. Broad second thigh. Feet ok. Could be tighter. Very sound 3. Carr’s, Marandike Star Attraction.
LD. (11). A good lot of quality in this class. My top 5 were short listed on soundness and movement. 1. Helps’, Greyfrairs Gillie of Beardswood. Strong masculine head with good pigmentation. Powerful neck. Good size and type with sound and accurate movement. Well balanced in angulation. Good ribbing and good length of loin which I preferred to second place. Tail well set on Moved with both reach and drive. Excelled in profile. A very eye catching dog in fine coat condition. Very well presented. 2. Finnett and Heathcote’s, Hyndsight Keep the Faith. Close up to winner. Another quality male with a very nice head and aqualine nose. Soft expression and good pigmentation. Excellent lay of shoulder. Very deep brisket and well sprung rib. Good drop away and low set hocks. Nice overall body shape. Sound, stylish mover on well knuckled feet. Nicely handled. 3. Owen and Brodie’s, Wolfcastle Wood Melick.
OD. (10). A lovely class with some very sound movers who I’m sure will change places many times. 1. Finnett and Harrington’s, Ch. Hyndsight Wind of Change. A first class mature male superbly bodied and balanced. At 6 and a half years was so light on his feet. No sign of this boy showing his age. Best of heads, complete with aquiline nose, neat ears and strong underjaw. Well pigmented. Displayed good balance and angulation throughout. Excellent construction, deep brisket and well ribbed. Good length of loin and fallaway just right. Great length from hip to low hocks which he used to full advantage. Movement absolutely spot on. Covers a lot of ground with his long easy stride. Excellent coat. So at one with handler who really gets the best out of him. He was on top form on the day and stole the Limelight. A real showman. He loved every minute of it and it showed. CC. 2. Rhodes and Morton’s, Ch. Gemtom Peacemaker. I loved everything about this young male, so correct go go over. Excellent head and expression to melt your heart. He has all the right angles, length and depth. Good topline and well muscled, it’s all there. Unfortunately he was a casualty of being a big striding dog in a ring too small for his long stide, resulting in him pacing, when he did finally move, although briefly, he was a joy, but not used to his handler who could have made a little more of his chances, it was too little too late. Nevertheless he was worthy of his second place and is young and there is always the next show. 3. Helps’, Ch. Beardswood Marmion.
VB. (2). 1. Lucas and Dragonne’s, Corisdale Mackenzie for Packway. At 7 years old is so fit, a credit to her owners. Not showing her age at all. Loved her head, very feminine with a lovely soft faraway expression. Good length and overall shape. Held her topline on the move. Moved well with purpose. 2. Shannon’s, Lealla Is Fearr. Another very nice 7 and a half year old. Appealing head, excellent ears well set on. Narrower in front than winner. Good length. Topline could be firmer and rather steep drop away. Tight knuckled feet. Moved out well.
PB. (10). Nine super puppies and not a bad one in there, which bodes well for the future. I wanted to place them all. 2. Peach’s, Kilbourne Teine. Stunning puppy. She flew around the ring displaying great reach at the front and powerful drive behind and so sound. Very happy and confident at just 8 months old she never put a foot wrong. Sweet head and aqualine nose, small neat ears. Long well knuckled feet. So shapely. What a little star who must have a great future. 2. Grimshaw’s, Jamalison Winter Gayle. Close up to winner but this pup had no intention of helping her handler when standing. Nevertheless on the move she really excelled. Excellent body shape and well angulated front and rear. Good length and tail set. Very pretty head and soft expression. Another nice one to watch. 3. Stuart and Holt’s, Regalflight Blizzard at Ollandsheart.
JB. (4). 1. Peach’s, Witch Way to Kilbourne. 4 very nice bitches in this class. Loved this young bitch. So full of quality, there wasn’t much I didn’t like about her and she ticks all the boxes for type. Pleasing head, dark eye and aqualine nose with faraway expression. Strong neck with excellent shoulder placement. Good length in upper arm. Ribbing carried well back and correct length in loin. Excellent reach and drive in profile. Sound fore and aft. Well muscled, nice feet and correct coat. One to watch. 2. Taylor’s, Guinivere Starshire from Kilbourne. Sister to winner and the same type. Most of above applies. Good head with a hazel eye which could be a shade darker. Although this bitch is quite dark coated in contrast. Neat ears and crisp coat. Moved out well on tight well knuckled feet. 3. Morgan’s, Ladygrove Calamity Jane at Amiro.
YB. (3). 1. Finnett and Heathcote’s, Kilbourne Levanto with Hyndsight. This bitch stood out in this class. A lovely type with so much to like about her. Very good overall body shape. Excellent head and expression. Strong neck, excellent placement and length of upper arm. Straight front. Ribbing well back and length in loin. Crisp harsh coat. Very well angulated rear and low hocks. Excellent muscle tone, covered a lot of ground standing and on the move. Sound mover. Interested to note her sire is my DCC winner. Another star for the future. 2. Helps’, Beardswood Octaiva. A nice quality bitch. Very pretty head. Good depth of brisket and excellent feet. Good side gait. Preferred movement of winner coming and going. Not in good coat at present. Needs time to mature. 3. Wiggan’s, Kilbourne Firebird of Lodhainn.
PGB. (9). A very good class, so hard to separate the first three. Lots of my comments apply to all three. Winner had the best front construction, but apart from that, all three were absolutely sound and very fit. 1. Janson’s, Nixophel Crystal Amethyst JW. Pleasing head and soft expression. Her coat is a little less mature than second at present. Strong neck, excellent lay back of shoulders and length of upper arm. Topline strong and held on the move. Sweeping broad quarters into low set hocks. Very fit and well muscled. Moved with drive and purpose. Good ring presence. 2. Grimahsw’s, Jamalison Melody. Exquisite head and aqualine nose (club points for best head and expression). Dark kind eye with that lovely faraway look to melt your heart. Well constructed all through with a good outline. Sound stylish mover. Real quality in one so young. 3. Barter’s, Stainlonan Bit of Ehlaradawn.
LB. (15). What a dream class to judge, so many quality bitches had to go without cards, my shortlist of 7 were all out of the top drawer and will change places many times I’m sure. 1. Owen and Brodie’s, Marandike Ebony’s Choice to Wolfcastle. A young bitch of the highest quality who must have a great future. There was not much I would like to alter on her. Eye catching first class body shape. Hard to believe she is still under 2 years old, but is very mature. Loved her type, a real look of quality about her. She is so well made and well balanced. Appealing head, hazel eye. Strong neck into class shoulder placement. Deep brisket, well ribbed with lovely sweep to stifle. Could be a little firmer in topline, but forgave this as it does not detract from all her other good qualities. Moved soundly in all directions, in profile a long ground covering stride. Excellent coat. On top form on the day. She pulled out all the stops in the challenge. Immaculately presented. CC and BOB. 2. Finnett and Heathcote's, Hyndsight a Boc of Dreams. Close up to winner. I was really splitting hairs here. Lots to like about this bitch. Free moving and carries herself so well. Shown in firm condition. Soft appealing expression, aqualine nose, dark eye and neat ears. A strong well muscled bitch with deep chest. Excellent lay of shoulder. Balanced angulation. Good spring of rib and well bodied. Pleasing coat texture and good underline. Well let down hocks. Very sound mover. On balance just preferred length in leg of winner. Sensitively handled. 3. Williams’s, Kilbourne Induna at Inverclyde.
OB. (6). 1. Peach’s, Pingleholl Ruby to Kilbourne. Four quite different bitches in this class. Another excellent quality bitch from this kennel. Although older than Limit bitch winner she is slower maturing and not quite in as good coat. Of excellent size and type. Good bone and very well balanced and well angulated all through. A very sound mover. Pleasing head and hazel eye. Good forechest and lovely topline. Absolutely true both fore and aft. Challenged hard for top honours but just preferred the side gait of winner. Very well muscled with well developed second thigh. Liked her a lot. 2. Johnson’s, Modhish Lilly Langtree. Eye catching bitch of high quality. Unlucky to come up against winner. I liked this bitch very much. Very sound mover and in profile and a free flowing action. Sweet head, very strong neck and shoulder placement. Excelled in front construction. Correct forehand. Good length down hocks. Good muscle tone and plenty of drive in profile. Shown and handled expertly. A real showgirl. 3. Guise’s, Saintvalery Anticipation.
Nicola Bailey